by: Mohammad Reza Noroozpour

Google congratulated Razi’s birthday to Arabs, rather Iranians yesterday, and one more time made them wonder if the internet search engine is turning to an Arabization Machine for them.
Internet Search Giant Google congratulated the Birthday of Mohammad Zakariya Razi the prominent Persian polymath, physician, alchemist and chemist, philosopher, and scholar to Arab countries rather than Iranian people.
According to Wikipedia Rhazes was born in August 26, 865 in the Silk Road passing city of Rey. His name Razi in Persian means "from the city of Rey", an ancient town called Ragha, in old Persian, and Ragâ in Avestan. It is located on the southern slopes of the Alborz Range situated near Tehran, Iran. In this city (like Ibn Sina) he accomplished most of his work.
But regretfully, Google in an unusual move designed its logo of Arab countries of Persian Gulf and North African domain addresses on this day with an illustration of the famous explorer of Alcohol, but nothing has happened about Persian domain of Google.
So when Google users of Arab Countries of the region went to the addresses like , , , saw the illustration of Razi as a routine method of Google for commemorating of a special event or a figure, but unfortunately Iranian users who went to domain address of , nothing was waiting for them.

I don’t know whether the Google’s miss management in Arabization of the Iranian scientist is on purpose, but I know surely that Iranian people have got very angry of this irresponsibility and put this along the previous act of Google in deletion of the Persian Gulf name from Google Map.


Although Razi was a devoted Muslim, and in a broader view belongs to the Islam world, but it is very important to know that Razi was an Iranian Muslim scientist, not an Arab one.
He had Arabic name because he was a devoted Muslim, like many other Iranian who then and now had and have Arabic name to show the respect to the holy Prophet Muhammad, and his noble family and respectful companions.

And He was wise enough to write all his books and thesis in Arabic language, because in that epoch the regional or even half of the world time language had been Arabic.

So, how come Google doesn’t understand this simple syllogism? It is very unscientific and infamous for Google not to know the nationality of a globally known and respected Persian explorer of Alcohol and dedicated him to the Arabs.
More unhappily also it shows the weakness of Iranian officials and Iranian prominent scholars around the world who are not able to bring Google back to the tune, and made it respect Iranians’ feelings.
It is time to tell Google please stop the Arabization of Iranians’ legacy