Presidential Aide Ali Akbar Mehrabian said Mehre Mandegar (Lasting Kindness) projects at the Iranian oil industry represent Economy of Resistance and a symbol of the country's development.

Mehrabian, a former industries minister, said launching these projects would lead to great leap forward in the country's economic growth.

In an exclusive interview with Shana, Mehrabian said the oil industry as the driving force of the country's economy is moving forward at a desirable speed.

He added that 52 Mehre Mandegar projects were underway in oil industry, some of which have come into operation in recent months.

"Mehre Mandegar projects are a translation of Economy of Resistance in executive issues and will reduce the country's dependency on abroad," the official said.

"We should lay the ground for advancement of ongoing Mehre Mandegar projects so that they come on stream on schedule," Mehrabian added.

He said of 905 Mehre Mandegar projects, 52 projects are underway in oil industry, worth 700 trillion rials, adding completion of the projects will have a remarkable impact on the country's economic growth especially on employment.

He added that the 9th and 10th administrations of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have accelerated implementation of projects in comparison with former administrations amid remarkable rise in total investment.

"One reason why current administration insists on completion of Mehre Mandegar projects is that the government believes that it should use its mandate and budget to complete half-finished projects so that next administrations to be able to start new projects and to start a new era in industrial and economic development of the country."

"If we have an appropriate assessment of engineering potentials of the country, we will understand that capabilities are bigger than capacities and we will be able to achieve our goals by providing financial resources," he said.

In connection with the ongoing Mehre Mandegar projects in the oil industry, Mehrabian noted that big projects are underway in four main subsidiaries of the Petroleum Ministry that are expected to be completed up to the end of 10th administration tenure next year.

On meeting financial needs of Mehre Mandegar projects, the official said, "With regard to the budget has been ratified by parliament and financial resources has been set aside by the government for implementation of the projects, it could be argued that solid financial resources have been envisaged for the projects."

The main element in funding projects is access to solid financial resources, the official said adding banks play an important role in advancement of Mehre Mandegar projects and "we apply their funds will lowest level of risk".

According to Mehrabian, the Petroleum Ministry is authorized to deploy different contractual frameworks under the law such as buyback or EPCF contracts for implementation of projects.

"The economic situation of the country is changing so that newer and more efficient methods are being used for investment and Petroleum Ministry will undertake those projects that knows is able to meet their financial needs."

By implementation of Mehre Mandegar projects, the government plans not to undertake new projects unless to complete those projects that have already been started and have made progress by more than 70 percent.

On progress of Mehre Mandegar projects in four main subsidiaries of Petroleum Ministry, Mehrabian said: nine projects are underway in oil refining and distribution sector, which include construction of new units on the one hand and upgrading projects in oil refineries on the other hand. Upon completion, these projects will add 50 million liters of gasoline per day to gasoline production capacity of the country.

"Upgrading projects at refining sector have progressed by 92 percent on average," the official said, adding that gasoline making unit at Tehran oil refinery was launched recently as the first Mehre Mandegar project in refining sector.

Expressing satisfaction with the progress made in Mehre Mandegar petrochemical projects, Mehrabian said that of 19 petrochemical projects, Arvand and Jam petrochemical units were inaugurated early this year and it is forecast the other 17 projects to be completed up to the end of the 10th administration, in June next year.

By launching Mehre Mandegar projects in the petrochemical sector, the petrochemical production capacity of the country will go up by 25 percent, Mehrabian said, adding nameplate capacity of the aforementioned projects would be 13 million tons per year.

On Mehre Mandegar projects in gas sector, Mehrabian said expanding gas supply services to 1050 new villages would be over up to the end of current Iranian calendar year in March 2013.

He mentioned that sixth and seventh Iran's gas trunk lines will also come on stream up to the end of 10th administration tenure in June next year.

"Several important projects are underway by NIOC including development of South Pars phases of 12, 13 15, 16, 17, 18 and 22-24," according to the official.

He said South Pars gas field projects are going ahead on schedule even though several phases are lagging behind the schedule, which their delay will be compensated, and all of them will come online on schedule.

He referred to development of shared oil and gas fields, desalination and dehydration as the other Mehre Mandegar projects in oil sector.

Earlier Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qassemi had said that Mehre Mandegar projects were among the good initiatives of the government, which resulted in speedier implementation of projects not only in the oil industry but everywhere in the country.

The minister vowed that upon the completion of the projects by next June, the oil industry infrastructures would be upgraded completely.
