“Whenever the [ruling] Al Khalifa [family] sees the pillars of its regime [becoming] more unstable, it uses...empty promises to keep revolutionaries away from their demands,” Ali-Akbar Naseri said on Sunday.
Naseri added that calling for talks and at the same time attacking peaceful protesters and killing them shows the hypocrisy of the Al Khalifa regime.
He accused the ruling regime of Bahrain of using talks with the opposition as a means to force Bahrainis to retreat from their rightful demands.
In February, eight Bahraini opposition representatives attended the second round of government-initiated talks with more than two dozen government negotiators behind closed doors in Manama.
The first round of talks held in July 2011 collapsed after the opposition walked away from the talks, saying they were not carried out fairly.
In March 2011, the Bahraini regime launched a brutal crackdown on peaceful protests that erupted in February of the same year, and called in Saudi-led Arab forces from neighboring states to help crush the popular uprising.
Security forces have since killed scores of people and arrested hundreds, including doctors and nurses accused of treating injured protesters.
But Bahrainis say they will continue holding street protests until their demand for the establishment of a democratically-elected government is met.