Publish Date: 16 September 2013 - 19:23

Excerpts of’s interview with Ali Bigdeli, a university professor of international relations

-The new administration seeks an immediate resolution of the nuclear issue and this matter has been explicitly reiterated by the President and the Foreign Minister. It seems that these positions are not limited to rhetoric and there is firm determination to end this dispute in the short run.


-The reason is that Mr. Rohani is well aware of the fact that if he does not succeed in solving the nuclear issue and if, as a natural result, a part of the nuclear sanctions are not stopped, the changes which are expected by many will practically not be achieved, hence, the trust which was created would soon be removed.


-On this basis, in the three weeks since the new administration began its work, a covert diplomacy has been on its agenda under which covert negotiations have been formed to show to the main parties of the nuclear issue that they are facing a new administration with a new approach and that, based on this approach, there is complete readiness to solve the nuclear issue.


-Another advantage of the repeated statements made by the government officials in this regard is to prepare public opinion inside the country so that if an agreement is made and concessions are to be rendered, the society would be prepared to accept a probable agreement in future negotiations.


-In response to the question posed by a reporter asking whether there will be meetings and talks with American officials during his visit to New York to attend the UN General Assembly, Mr. Zarif, contrary to the positions taken by former diplomats, states that there is no problem with negotiating with a US representative, as we have done so before within the framework of P5+1 negotiations. This answer is in line with the same approach of preparing public opinion.

-This response indicates that based on what some US media outlets, in particular the Los Angeles Times, have stated, it would not be impossible that the presidents of Iran and the US would secretly meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.


-Hassan Rohani’s second foreign visit, as Iran’s President, can be a significant one because, no matter whether multilateral negotiations take place with the representative of the P5+1 or unilateral negotiations are established between the presidents of Iran and the US, this could impact the official negotiations between Iran and the P5+1.


-The sudden visit made by Sultan Qaboos of Oman to Tehran cannot be accidental, unless an agreement was made among the high-ranking officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


-The statements made by high-ranking Iranian officials following the visit made by Sultan Qaboos, in which it was stated that if honesty is seen on the part of the US, then the Islamic Republic of Iran would be ready to talk based on mutual respect, is an indication of Iran’s readiness and agreement for bilateral negotiations between Iran and the US.


-In political science and diplomacy, the method of expressing words and diplomatic behavior is very important. The approach pursued by the former officials of the Islamic Republic was very unconstructive.


-On this basis, changing this approach was very necessary and the officials of the new administration have comprehended this need well and attempted to correct the previous methods.


-The dissolution of some sanctions by the US during the past few days, even though they were not influential sanctions, was an emphasis on the change in the approach of the new Iranian administration and a green light for possible negotiations in the future.