Head of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerd said on Sunday that the US support for extremist and terrorist groups inlcuding arms supply and military training accounts for inhuman crimes committed by them in the region.

Boroujerdi made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting head of Iran-Algeria parliamentary friendship group in Tehran on Sunday.


In the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on the latest developments in the region, in Iraq and Syria in particular, and said under the current circumstances the Islamic Ummah is in dire need of convergence with religious leaders and scholars.


Referring to nuclear talks between Iran and G5+1, Boroujerdi said Iran insists on its scientific achievements and legitimate rights to make use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and never accepts the excessive demands of the other side.


Deeply rooted cultural and religious commonalties between the two countries along with their existing economic potentials have prepared the grounds for broadening bilateral relations and cooperation in various sectors, Boroujerdi said.


Iranian Majlis fully supports expansion of relations and cooperation between Iran and Algeria, he said.


Head of Algerian parliamentary friendship group, for his part, voiced his countryˈs readiness to broaden relations with Iran.


Referring to the unjust infrastructure of international organizations such as the United Nations, he said the independent states should spare no efforts to help resolve international crises by restructuring the international organizations.


On nuclear talks between Iran and G5+1, he said it is among legitimate rights of all nations to make use of nuclear energy and Algeria fully backs Iranˈs peaceful nuclear program.