President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday called for cautious reopening, observing protocols to contain the dangerous pandemic when there is uncertainty about the end of the pandemic era (COVID-19).

Speaking during a cabinet session, the president said people play a pivotal role in the battle against the deadly virus.

He went on to say that every individual should take care of himself as there is no cure for the disease.

“At one point we said to leave the house cautiously to do the necessary activities, stay out of the house as soon as possible and then return home,” he pointed out.

Iranians had practiced social distancing prior to observing smart distancing, he further noted.

Even today, when it comes to dividing areas into white, yellow, and red in the society, it does not mean that health guidelines should not be followed in white areas, but that maintaining the achievements of the white areas should be taken into account, he stated.

He added that the yellow and red areas should turn into white ones for cautious reopening.

The outbreak of dangerous coronavirus (COVID-19) has been affecting the world for a number of months requiring a collective campaign of the international community to thwart the threat posed to humanity by the pandemic.