President Hassan Rouhani said on Thursday that everybody should get prepared for co-existence with coronavirus.

The president made the remarks in a meeting with the specialized committee of a national headquarters for the fight against the coronavirus disease.

A new lifestyle has to be introduced for a persistent fight against COVID-19, Rouhani said.

He said that the disease should not inflict persistent damages to the people’s living conditions.

By observing the health protocols, the imposed restrictions are not only expected to be gradually lifted, but also people can go back to the natural path of their life, Rouhani said.  

He stressed the need for preparing the people for a normal life and battle against the coronavirus disease at the same time.

People should know that economic boom and return to a clear economic condition is fully connected with observing health protocols, the president said.

He noted that so long as a vaccine is not found for the COVID-19, the people should vaccinate themselves against the disease by observing health protocols.