President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that the important thing is that Iran has the ability to pass through the hard times despite all the obstacles and complexities.

Inviting all experts to give their suggestions and solutions to solve the economic problems of the country, President Rouhani said that the US economic warfare, sanctions, and maximum pressure, as well as the inevitable restrictions of the coronavirus have created a hard time.

Rouhani said that the government will definitely try to solve the problems with a realistic approach and by relying on domestic capabilities and practical and feasible ways.

He reiterated that the solutions must be far from fictitious approaches, consider the realities of national economy, and avoid pessimism and disappointment.

President Rouhani said that by utilizing decades of invaluable experience of fighting sanctions, the support from the people and economy experts, and cooperation between all three branches of Governing System, Iran can proudly pass through the current critical situation.