Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned German Ambassador to Tehran Hans-Udo Muzel on Monday over the interventionist and unconstructive remarks by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The director of West Europe Department of the Iranian Foreign Ministry stressed Iran's strong protest to Berlin’s counterproductive approach to Iran’s domestic developments.

The Foreign Ministry official held Germany responsible for the effects of such remarks on the future of bilateral relations between Tehran and Berlin.

He said that Iran monitors the measures of other sides and will give appropriate response based on national interests in accordance with Iran’s dignity.

The German ambassador, for his part, said that he will convey Iran’s protest to his government.

The ambassador was also handed out the official letter of protest from Iran.

In related comments on Sunday, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kanaani termed the recent stance taken by the German chancellor on the Islamic Republic as undiplomatic, provocative and interfering.

Unfortunately, some so-called advocates of the human rights have forgotten their dark record of supporting the Saddam regime against the great Iranian people, Kanaani stressed.

Through following unjust sanctions after the US May 2018 unilateral withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JAPOA) and keeping silent on the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist measures whose latest one occurred recently in southern Iranian holy shrine, they have politicized the issue of the human rights, Kanaani underlined.

Islamic Republic of Iran follows the human rights basis which include respect for the people, fight against the oppression and defense for the oppressed; and this is while Germany runs away from its international responsibility for respecting countries’ national sovereignty, Kanaani noted.

He went on to say that Germany introduces itself as defender of human rights while it provides shelter for the terrorist and anti-Islamic Republic groups and takes double-standard approach towards crimes committed by the Zionist regime of Israel.

At the end, Kanaani advised the German officials to bring rationality back to the atmosphere of cooperation and prevent from more mess in relations.

Building confidence and respecting mutual interests are the sole solution for sustainable cooperation.