The commander said on Friday that the main pillar of the combined war game is naval security of all sailors around the globe.
“The focus of the first day of the naval security belt combined war game 2023 was on coordination, cooperation and rescue of vessels that have fallen prey to pirate attacks and how to counter acts of terror,” Irani noted.
In the first stage, the unjustifiable presence of some foreign military forces continues to pose challenges to the region; thus, the issue has to be addressed and handled, he said, adding that all available military means, both in terms of watercraft and aircraft, were utilized and all designed drills were successfully exercised.
The official further called for forming an alliance among countries, who understand mutual respect and observe each other’s interests, in order to create a regional coalition based on respecting human society, especially the sailors’ community to guarantee regional security.
The naval security belt combined war game 2023 is the fourth joint drills among Russia, China and Iran, which is underway. It is worth mentioning that Kazakhstan and Pakistan are taking part in this year’s war game as observers.