Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said that today Hamas is at the peak of popularity in the Palestinian territories, and stressed that neither the US nor Israel are capable of destroying the resistance and making decisions for the people of Gaza and Palestine.

Amirabdollahian who had traveled to Moscow with the aim of participating in the 12th meeting of the foreign ministers of the Caspian Sea littoral states on Tuesday evening at the end of this meeting and bilateral meetings with his counterparts, told the journalists that the issue of Palestine, the genocide in Gaza and the conditions in the West Bank is one of the the main topics of today's meeting that were emphasized by all those present at the meeting.

Advice to Americans: Stop making strategic mistakes

Referring to the mission of Brett McGregor, the adviser of the American National Security Council on the Middle East and North Africa, regarding the presentation of a plan on post-war Gaza, he emphasized that the Americans should stop continuing their strategic mistake.

According to Amirabdollahian, neither America nor Israel is able to destroy Hamas and the resistance, and they cannot make decisions for the people of Gaza and Palestine.

He told the Americans to leave Palestine to the Palestinians and do not leave another regional defeat for America on the eve of the presidential election.

Resistance current has  high power for endurance

The Iranian foreign minister announced that based on the information obtained from the resistance leaders in the region, it should be said that the resistance has a high capacity to withstand this situation for months and can continue its day and night attacks in response to the crimes of the Zionists.

Amirabdollahian stressed that the war will not bear any fruit for America and the Zionists.

Hamas will get the first vote in the elections Referring to the phone calls with his foreign counterparts in the past days, the Iranian foreign minister said that they also clearly stated that if elections were held among the Palestinians today, the most popular Palestinian movement would be Hamas, and Hamas would give the first vote to manage the Palestinian territories.

Zionists sought forced migration from the beginning

Referring to the expansion of bombings in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, Amirabdollahian said: "Initially, the Israeli regime announced that it did not intend to change the demographic structure and transfer the people of Gaza, while the documents and the behavior of the Israeli authorities show that they have since the beginning of this war were looking for the forced migration of the people of Gaza to parts of the Sinai desert in Egypt.