Reacting to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2722 which was presented and approved by the United States, Nasser Kan'ani noted that this resolution claims to protect shipping rights in the Red Sea, but it is a cover to ensure the political goals of the US in supporting the Zionist regime and the continuation of this regime's crimes against the defenseless people of Gaza.

He stated that the US government continues to stand by the Zionist regime with full political, military, international, and diplomatic support instead of taking decisive action to stop the crimes of this regime.

Kan'ani went on to say that the United States actions in preventing the adoption of a resolution in the Security Council that includes a request to stop the war Against Gaza is practically preventing the implementation of the duties of the Security Council in maintaining international peace and security and opposing the demand of the international community to end the killing of Palestinians and establish a ceasefire.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman further noted that the United States passed a resolution in the Security Council, claiming to focus on the rights and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, but its main purpose is to legitimize the "self-made naval coalition" led by Washington to achieve specific political goals and create a necessary shield for the continuation of the Israeli regime's war crimes in Gaza.

He added that the US passed the resolution by putting pressure on the members of the Security Council without paying attention to the cause of the crisis and tension in the region.

He clarified that the US statements in the Security Council meeting about what it called "the rights and freedom of navigation of all countries in the Red Sea" only divert minds from the reality of the ongoing crimes in Gaza by the occupying regime.

He emphasized that Iran urges the Security Council to fulfill its responsibilities to deal with the causes of the current situation and tension in the Red Sea while rejecting the baseless claims of the United States and warning against any provocative and irresponsible action of this country that endangers the peace and security of the region.

Kan'ani stressed that the Security Council should immediately take decisive measures to force the Israeli regime to stop the bloodshed and fully implement resolutions 2712 and 2720 to facilitate and guarantee the rapid, safe, and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians throughout the Gaza Strip.