Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has said that the US officials have acknowledged the failure of their maximum pressure policy against Iran, noting that Iran never left the negotiating table and resisted the pressures and sanctions imposed upon it.

President Raisi, who heads a high-ranking political and economic delegation in Pakistan, met and held talks with the Speaker of Pakistan's National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, on Monday evening.

The Iranian president highlighted the significant and effective role of the two countries' parliaments in facilitating and accelerating the broadening of mutual ties during his trip to Pakistan.

President Raisi emphasized that Iran did not leave diplomacy and the negotiating table when faced enemies, and chose to resist the pressures and sanctions of the Americans instead of surrendering, noting that thanks to such an approach, Iran's economy has grown by 6 percent today, and American officials admit that their policy of maximum pressure against Iran has failed.

Pointing to the country's capabilities, including in automobile manufacturing, and the activities of more than 10,000 knowledge-based companies, Raisi expressed Iran's readiness to share its capabilities and achievements in various fields with Pakistan as a friend and brother country.

Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, for his part, underlined that none of the Pakistani parties, whether aligned with the government or opposition parties, is against friendly relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He described the cooperation, memorandum of understanding (MoU), and common standpoints between the officials of the two countries as unparalleled, noting that Pakistan is interested in expanding relations with Iran, especially in the fields of energy, development of border markets, economic cooperation, and trade.