Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami says the Islamic Republic’s adversaries only pretended to lift the sanctions but did not fulfill their duties following the 2015 deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Fortunately, today, Iran’s nuclear capacity has flourished and is progressing, and we will increase our capacities stronger than in the past, Eslami told a gathering marking the 33rd Fardo Martyrs' Memorial in Qom.

While calling Martyrs the pride of the nation, Iran’s nuclear chief emphasized that the country excelled in the field of science and technology after the victory of the Islamic Revolution despite plots hatched by enemies to derail it from the path of excellence.

One of these cases is radiopharmaceuticals, in which, we have made significant progress and we could not have progressed if we had not achieved self-sufficiency in the fuel cycle, he explained.

Another of Iran’s achievements in the nuclear field is the issue of heavy water. The Islamic Republic is currently among the best in the world in the field of heavy water and its derivatives needed in research and development in pharmaceutical and other sectors, he said.

The AEOI chief noted that the Shahid Alimohammadi Enrichment Complex (Fordo) is one of the most important nuclear capacities of the country, which has become a thorn in the eyes of the enemies that claimed to have their monopoly on science and technology.

They resorted to crippling sanctions on the country under various pretexts only because of Iran's powerful entry into this arena, he said adding, “Our country is independent and excellent in various defense, nuclear and scientific sectors, and our enemies do not want the Islamic Republic of Iran to walk the path of excellence with authority”.

Eslami continued by saying that as the Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution had emphasized, nuclear technology is a source of honor for the country, and accordingly, our nuclear scientists have taken an endogenous and committed step in this direction. For this reason, today the output of Iran's nuclear technologies and achievements, despite all the sabotage, terror, threats, and sanctions, is at the global level.