Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian says his government will work with international partners to resolve disputes surrounding the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to improve Iran's foreign relations and achieve long-term goals.

Pezeshkian made the pledge on Monday during his first press conference since taking office. More than 300 journalists from both domestic and international media outlets have participated in the event.

“We have no choice but to resolve the FATF discussions. I will certainly write a letter to the Expediency Council to reactivate the FATF discussions so that we can find a solution,” he said when asked how he planned to tackle poverty, remove the sanctions, and improve the economy.

The FATF is a non-binding regulatory institution formed by the United States and its Western allies, supposedly to counter terrorism financing and safeguard the international financial system.

Pezeshkian also emphasized the importance of enhancing relations with neighboring countries, citing his recent trip to Iraq, including visits to the Kurdistan Region and Basra, where he held talks with local officials.

"They were keen on developing strategic programs and joint projects with us," he noted.

The President further asserted that similar collaborative efforts could be established with Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and other neighboring nations.

He underlined the need to create a free market to absorb foreign investments and strengthen diplomatic ties. “We will advance foreign diplomacy based on dignity, wisdom, and expediency.”

The 25-year contract between Iran and China will be implemented

In the continuation of this meeting, in response to the question of a Chinese reporter, referring to the very good relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and China, he said, "Most of our relations are with China, Russia and neighboring countries."

He added: What China did in connection with mediation between us and Saudi Arabia to solve problems is a big step for coordination in the region.

Stating that the 25-year joint agreement between Iran and China needs to be implemented, President Pezeshkian said, "As the president, I am determined that what was written and was supposed to be implemented, we will investigate the reason for its non-implementation so that it can be implemented and implemented."

"Our communication in the same discussion that has been formed in the communication ways between the countries of the region, can fully adapt and coordinate China's goal of accessing Iran's markets and our access to China," he added.

"We want to build the same highways that existed before on the Silk Road route, and now we want to advance it with proper facilities and access and technologies. Because we will definitely be a strategic partner with China and we will strengthen it, and in the next communications we will have together, we will try to implement what is written and cooperation will increase," President Pezeshkian further added.

West is aware that Iran cannot transfer missiles to Yemen

In response to Al Jazeera question about the recent missile attack by Yemenis on the Zionist region, the president strongly rejected the claims that Iran transferred the hypersonic missile to Yemen to use it in the attack on Tel Aviv. 

He emphasized that Iran does not possess the type of hypersonic missile used by Yemen's Ansarullah against the Zionist regime and mentioned that Yemenis are capable of building their own weapons.

Referring to the genocide committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza, he highlighted, "If the West is concerned about Israel's security, why is it not worried about Gaza and Palestine? The world should not allow a group with power and the support of other powers to destroy innocent people and then worry that Iran has given them missiles."

He emphasized, "The West knows that Iran cannot send missiles to Yemen at all. We have missile power, but it is not possible for us to give missiles to Yemen." 

Before the war, Yemen had acquired the technology to manufacture and produce missiles, he added.

Furthermore, Pezeshkian emphasized the importance of enhancing relationships with all Islamic countries. 

Responding to a question regarding the possibility of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visiting Tehran, the president said he would welcome any initiative that brings regional countries closer together.

“Why should we not engage with each other? Why should we have differences? I personally welcome any move that brings us closer together,” he said.

The Iranian president reiterated his commitment to strengthening ties not only with Saudi Arabia but also with Egypt, Jordan, and other Islamic nations. “We will strive to reinforce our connections with all Islamic countries,” he said.

Asked about Iran’s relations with Turkey, Pezeshkian described the neighboring country as a "friendly and brotherly nation" with whom his government will engage in joint investments. 

He confirmed his intention to visit Turkey soon and expressed a desire to invite Turkish officials, investors, and academics to Iran.

Iran not looking for nuclear weapons

Pezeshkian in response to the question of the reporter of France 24 that regarding the lifting of sanctions who asked how do you intend to overcome the barrier of international sanctions caused by direct US sanctions against Iran and the country's economy?

The Iranian president responded that "we must interact with each other". "The one who doesn't want us to interact with each other are the world powers. We are not looking for nuclear weapons, they are the ones who threaten us."

"We must have power against power so that we can stay. We need defense power to maintain the security of our people and country, we were never the initiator of any war, look at the past 200 years. We will not lose our defense power to defend our people unless everyone is disarmed," he added.

The president said that from the first day "I spoke, I said that we should all unite, not divide, give everyone their rights, have justice, we have the same thing with our neighbors and we want to have a dialogue and we have no quarrel with any country".

Russia has strategic ties with Iran

In response to Russia Today reporter's question about his trip to Moscow and his attendance at the BRICS summit and the development of relations with Russia, the Iranian president said, "Our relationship with Russia, China and the countries that helped our nation during the imposition of cruel sanctions. We will continue this cooperation with strength. It's not like if we talk, make peace and trade with the world, we forget our friends."

"Russia is our neighbor and has appropriate economic, social and strategic relations with us, and these meetings can make the approvals and views of Shahid Raisi and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs more operational and effective," he added.

He emphasized that "I am sure that if we interact with the BRICS and regional countries, the cruel sanctions they impose on us will not be effective".

"We don't like to have disagreements with others, but we also don't like someone to force us and go under pressure," President Pezeshkian added.

US should first prove its good intentions

President Pezeshkian stated that he is planning a trip to the United States to attend the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly. 

He emphasized the need to effectively prepare for the meeting to defend the rights of the people of their country, as they consider themselves peacemakers rather than warmongers. 

When asked about the possibility of meeting with the US president, President Pezeshkian said that the US must show its commitment to the agreements first.

Iran, Iraq enjoy commonalities in various areas

As regards his recent trip to Iraq, the president said that Iran and Iraq enjoy commonalities in various areas.

He highlighted his visits to Iraq’s Kurdistan Region and Basra, emphasizing the need for both sides to prioritize security, strengthen their economic ties, and support each other in all possible ways.

He criticized the US for creating tensions between Iran and Iraq.

West not respecting frameworks of nuclear negotiations

The Iranian president said in response to a question by the Al Alam news network that the Western countries have failed to respect frameworks agreed for nuclear negotiations with Iran despite Iran’s full compliance with such arrangements in the past. 

He said Iran does not seek confrontation but will not allow other parties to the 2015 agreement on Iran’s nuclear program to bully the country. 

Pezeshkian said Iran will respect its obligations under the nuclear agreement if the West complies with its own obligations. 

In response to a query by the Associated Press about the production of uranium with a purity of above 60% in Iran and the concerns raised about the issue, the president said that Tehran has time and again reiterated that it is not seeking to manufacture nuclear weapons and its nuclear program is solely aimed at meeting its own technical demands. 

As a clear message to the United States, he said Iran will be ready to cooperate with the international community, including the US, as far as Washington respects the rights of the Iranian people and stops hatching conspiracies against the country. 

On relations with Egypt, Pezeshkian said that Iran views the Arab country as a friendly Muslim nation, adding that his administration will seek to establish contacts with the Egyptian president and ministers in the very near future.

No weapons supplied to Russia in new administration

Responding to a question by the Japanese Nikkei newspaper, Pezeshkian said that Iran had delivered no weapons to Russia since the start of his presidency last month while he did not rule out the possibility that such weapons had been supplied to Moscow in the past. 

He said, however, that Iran will continue to cooperate with Russia as a major ally, adding that Moscow has supported Iran at the time the country has been under US sanctions. 

The president said that Iran’s policy is to support initiatives that could put an end to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. 

He said the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s plan for expansion of its borders was the main reason for the start of the war in Ukraine. 

Pezeshkian said Iran would welcome Japan’s efforts to play the role of a mediator between Tehran and Washington.