Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran is the only country in the world that speaks up to the United States and calls it by its true names.

“The difference between the Iranian nation and others is that [Iran] has the courage to speak this truth that America is an aggressor, a liar, deceiver, and colonialist and adheres to no human principle whatsoever,” the Leader said on Sunday.

Ayatollah Khamenei was speaking during a meeting with top Qur’an teachers and reciters participating in the 41st International Qur’an Competition.

The Leader said Iran’s patience and perseverance against all global arrogant powers during the past 46 years have won the nation comprehensive growth. “Not only did Iran not suffer a blow in this face-off, but it also grew in all fields.”

In another part of his speech, the Leader described the victory of the people of Gaza over the Zionist regime and the U.S. as an example of “achieving the impossible.”

Before the war, no one would have believed that Palestinians in the small territory of Gaza “would fight against a great power like the United States and emerge victorious,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“But this impossible feat was accomplished by God’s will,” he added.