Nasrallah: Resumed ties btw Iran-S. Arabia in interest of region

Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah on Friday welcomed resuming diplomatic relation between Tehran and Riadh as a positive development that will benefit the nations in the region.

Nasrallah delivered the speech on the occasion of the commemorating week of commander Assad Mahmoud  Saghir (Hajj Saleh).

At the beginning of his speech, the Hezbollah chief hailed the noble characteristics of Hajj Saleh.

Saying that the Takfiris destroyed and blew up the mosques and Islamic holy places, Nasrallah added that one of the takfiris' goals was to destroy the holy shrine of Hazrat Zaynab (SA) but Hajj Saleh, alongside the other holy shrine defenders, was in charge of preventing such an attack to happen. 

Turning to regional developments, Nasrallah stated that some think that Lebanon is an island in the heart of the ocean and has nothing to do with what is going on in the region, but Lebanon is influenced by the countries in the region, especially by neighboring countries such as Syria and Palestine. "Therefore, talking about the present and future of Syria and Palestine is like talking about the present and future of Lebanon," he stressed.

"A safe and stable Syria without sanctions and with economic growth has great effects on Lebanon and Palestine, and anyone who does not accept this fact is not realistic," he continued, noting, "The full-scale war against Syria was defeated, but I am not talking about a complete victory because there are still cases."

"We all know the position of Syria since the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially in the last 50 years. Syria has always been the main pillar in the battle against the Zionist enemy and is the basis of the axis of Resistance, and despite the full-scale war, this practice will continue," Nasrallah cited.

"Syria is the heart of the resistance," the Hezbollah chief stressed, adding that in the second year of the war against it, Damascus was suggested to stop fighting the Zionist enemy but the Syrian leaders refused.

"I can honestly say that Syria is the decision-maker and has its own sovereignty and freedom of action. Syria consults with friends, but it is its own decision-maker," he said.

He also praised Iran's support for Syria when a full-scale war was launched against Damascus.

Nasrallah went on to say that the US has committed crimes in northern Syria and prevents the normalization of relations between other countries with Damascus, adding that the international and regional developments indicate that the blockade of Yemen and Syria will be broken.

What is happening in Palestine is historic and very important, Nasrallah continued, stressing that the Zionists are talking about the collapse of the Israeli regime.

"We saw how the Zionist regime police suppresses the protesters and this is their true nature," he stressed, considering the main reason for the presence of US delegations in Tel Aviv to be aimed at resolving the internal division of this regime, which may lead to a bloody conflict.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Hezbollah leader turned to the agreement of Iran and Saudi Arabia to resume bilateral ties and reopen embassies.

"The resumption of diplomatic relations between Riyadh and Tehran is a good development and we are happy because we believe it will benefit the nations of the region," Nasrallah emphasized.

Referring to Lebanon's president election, Nasrallah stated that Lebanon accepts foreign assistance but does not wait for foreigners, adding that "no foreign country has the right to veto the issue of the presidency in Lebanon."

News ID 194974


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