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27 November 2022 - 21:48
Klinsmann to call Queiroz to "calm things down"

Jürgen Klinsmann has said he would try to telephone Iran's national football team coach Carlos Queiroz to smooth things after his contentious comments on the Iran coach and his team.

“There was stuff really taken out of context,” Klinsmann said in an interview with BBC Breakfast on Sunday.

He noted, “I will try to give him a call and calm things down.”

“I have never criticized Carlos or the Iranian bench. Some even thought I was criticizing the referee because he didn’t do anything about the way they were behaving on the bench. All I described was their emotional way of doing things, which is actually admirable in a certain way,” he added.

Klinsmann underscored, “The whole bench lives the game. They’re jumping up and down and Carlos is a very emotional coach, he’s constantly on the sidelines trying to give his players all his energy and direction.”

News ID 194606


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