‘Humanitarian situation in Syria remains extremely dire’

Iranian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Amir Saeed Iravani says that the humanitarian situation in Syria remains extremely dire.

According to a Thursday report by the IRNA, Iravani made the remarks addressing the UN Security Council briefing on “The situation in the Middle East: (Syria)”.

The humanitarian situation in Syria remains extremely dire, he said, adding that one of the most pressing challenges facing Syria today is its deeply troubled economy, which is primarily the result of unilateral sanctions and illicit resource exploitation, both of which disproportionately affect women, children, and other Syrians.

It is vital that humanitarian aid and efforts to rebuild Syria are not used as tools of pressure against the Country, he noted.

The full text of Iravani's speech is as follows:

Mr. President,

I thank Mr. Pedersen, the Special Envoy, and Ms. Edem Wosornu, the Director of OCHA’s Operations Division, for their updated briefings.

The humanitarian situation in Syria remains extremely dire. One of the most pressing challenges facing Syria today is its deeply troubled economy, which is primarily the result of unilateral sanctions and illicit resource exploitation, both of which disproportionately affect women, children, and other Syrians.

It is vital that humanitarian aid and efforts to rebuild Syria are not used as tools of pressure against the Country.

Iran has consistently supported providing aid to the Syrian people and underlines the importance of delivering humanitarian assistance in a fair and transparent manner.

We commend the United Nations and its partners for their unwavering commitment to assisting the Syrian people and diligently working towards alleviating their immense suffering.

We firmly believe that the primary solution to the Syrian crisis lies in political means, as military actions will only further complicate the situation.

We stress the significance of resuming the meetings of the Constitutional Committee as an effective mechanism for advancing the political process.

We hope that differences regarding the committee's meeting venue can be resolved promptly, allowing its work to resume. The continued functioning of this committee is vital, with its venue being of lesser importance.

The role of the United Nations should remain supportive, with the entire process being under Syrian leadership and ownership.

In this context, we support the ongoing efforts of Mr. Pederson and his engagements with the concerned parties to resolve the impasse within the Constitutional Committee.

Mr. President,

Unfortunately, after 12 long years of the Syrian crisis, we continue to witness the presence of active terrorist groups within Syria, posing a severe threat to both its security and that of its neighboring countries.

While recognizing the legitimate security concerns of Syria's neighboring countries, it's essential to emphasize that the fight against terrorism should not be utilized as a pretext to violate Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In the meantime, the illegal presence of foreign military forces within Syria has only added to the instability of the country and the broader region.

We strongly condemn the ongoing attacks by the Israeli regime on Syrian territory. The Israeli regime commits such aggressions to divert the attention of the international community from the daily atrocious crimes is committing against the Palestinian people.

Mr. President,

We reiterate our principled stance of supporting the expedited return of refugees to Syria. At present, there exists a significant number of Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan, and their return should be facilitated through the cooperative efforts of all host governments.

Addressing the challenges faced by Syrian refugees requires the establishment of essential infrastructure, including electricity, water, housing, and education. The role of the United Nations, particularly the High Commissioner for Refugees, is pivotal in this regard.

Mr. President,

Iran is committed to collaborating with its partners within the Astana process, striving to achieve lasting and sustainable normalization in Syria.

The Astana process, serving as a framework for peaceful dialogue, has achieved significant milestones, and it remains the collective duty of our three countries as guarantors to uphold and enhance this framework.

During the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, on 22, September, Iran hosted a Ministerial meeting with Russia and Turkey, as guarantor countries of the Astana Format, and the participation of the UN Special Envoy. Among various priorities,  Foreign Ministers stressed the importance of facilitating the dignified, and voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their respective homes in Syria. Also. they expressed their shared concern over the dire humanitarian situation in Syria and called for unconditional humanitarian assistance devoid of political considerations. They support the bilateral agreement between the United Nations and the Syrian Government, which allows for the delivery of essential humanitarian aid via Bab Al Hava for a six-month period, providing crucial relief to those in dire need.

To conclude Mr. President, we warmly welcome and totally support the recent positive developments in Syria's diplomatic relations, both on the regional and international fronts.

I thank you.

News ID 196157

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