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25 November 2023 - 20:15
Iran min. advises Americans, Europeans to leave region

The European states and US presence in the region will spark the reaction of the entire region such as the Axis of Resistance, and those foreign states are advised to leave, the Iranian defense minister said Saturday.

Speaking to reporters on Saturday, Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Ashtiani, the Islamic Republic of Iran's Minister of Defense pointed to the immense pressure that various countries in the political and economic fields exercise on the Zionist regime and its supporters and said that,"The people of the region will witness that this usurping and child-killing regime will be completely toppled and real security will be restored to our region."

"When the [Hamas movement] launched the Al-Aqsa Storm operation, the Zionist regime was taken by surprise in all areas and nearly collapsed," the minister said, adding that "This operation caused the official collapse of this sinister regime in various aspects, including political, military and other areas, and the Americans received serious alarm that this regime was going to be completely overthrown, so they took action to support the regime and some European countries also accompanied them in this way."

Stating that this region matters a lot strategically as it is a hub for energy transmission lines, general Ashtiani said, "The presence of the United States and some European countries in the region will spark the reaction from the entire region, including the Axis of Resistance, and I advise these foreign countries to leave the region and not seek to create tension."

Referring to the US's strategic miscalculation, especially in this region, the Iranian defense minister added, "It has been proven to the whole world that the Zionist regime is a criminal regime, and the US biggest mistake is that it is supporting this child-killing regime, and they must know they will have to pay a price for this support."

News ID 196533

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