Envoy: Iran has never been involved in any attack against US forces

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations, Amir Saeed Iravani, once again rejected the "baseless accusations" of the United States against Tehran and said the Islamic Republic of Iran has never carried out any action or attack against the American military forces in Syria or other places.

Addressing the meeting of the Security Council regarding the situation in the Middle East; Syria Iravani said "that the baseless accusations of the United States against my country will be categorically rejected in this meeting. These baseless accusations appear to be part of a deliberate attempt by the United States to divert attention from the serious violations of international law and the UN Charter in the Syrian Arab Republic".

The senior diplomat of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized: "The Islamic Republic of Iran has never been involved in any action or attack against the American military forces in Syria or elsewhere.Iran has always adhered to its commitments to promote peace and security in the region."

The following is the full text of Iravani's statement:

Statement by

H.E. Mr. Amir Saeid Iravani

Ambassador and Permanent Representative

of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations

Before the United Nations Security Council

on “The situation in the Middle East: (Syria)”

New York, 28 November 2023

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

Mr. President,

At the outset, I would like to congratulate China on taking the Council's presidency this month.

I thank the briefers for their updates and informative briefings.

Mr. President,

As underscored in today's briefings, the humanitarian crisis in Syria remains dire. The Syrian people suffer from profound economic challenges.

Despite the UN efforts and its humanitarian partners to deliver essential aid to those in need, the continuing impact of illegal unilateral sanctions especially those unlawfully imposed by the United States places a disproportionate burden on the Syrian people, including women and children.

A notable concern is the current insufficient allocation of funds for the Syrian humanitarian response, which falls far short of the actual requirements. This acute shortage severely impedes the United Nations' capacity to provide the necessary assistance to those in dire need.

The humanitarian assistance and reconstruction initiatives in Syria should not be used as tools to exert political pressure on the Syrian government. It is important to ensure that the impartial and non-politicized delivery of humanitarian aid to all regions of Syria is a crucial measure for preserving lives.

Iran welcomes the decision of the Syrian government on 10 November (2023) to renew the permission granted to the United Nations and its specialized agencies to use "Bab al-Salama" and "Al-Ra'i" crossings for an additional three months.

Iran emphasizes the importance of supporting aid transfers through the cross-line mechanism, which enjoys the full endorsement of the Syrian government, and represents a sustainable and constructive approach that can significantly better the humanitarian situation in Syria.

Mr. President,

The lack of a decisive response from the Security Council has emboldened the Israeli regime to continue its aggression into Syrian territory.  In addition to its atrocities against the people of Gaza, the Israeli regime continues to commit acts of terrorism and aggression within Syrian territory, deliberately targeting civilians and vital infrastructure.

Iran strongly condemns the Israeli regime's heinous acts of terrorism, particularly the most recent airstrike attacks on the civilian airport of  Damascus on 26 November, inflicting severe damage to essential airport facilities and causing significant disruption in its operation. We call on the Security Council to condemn the Israeli egregious violation of Syrian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Mr. President,

The illegal presence of the US military forces in Syria and its continued occupation is the primary source of insecurity in the Country and has provided fertile ground for the nourishment of terrorist organizations, both within Syria and the broader region.

The United States claims to be fighting terrorism in Syria, in reality, its unlawful actions in Syria provide immunity and a protective shield for terrorist organizations to advance the political agenda of the United States and the Israeli regime in the region.

Furthermore, because of the situation in Gaza, the US despite expressing concern over the spillover of the tension in Syria, tries to misuse the situation and increase tension and destabilize Syria.

Mr. President,

We continue a steadfast belief that the essential solution to the Syrian crisis should be pursued through diplomatic and political means.

Within this context, we highlight the significance of resuming the meetings of the Constitutional Committee as an effective mechanism for advancing the political process. The continued functioning of this committee is vital. The role of the United Nations should remain supportive, with the entire process being under Syrian leadership and ownership.

Mr. President,  

Iran welcomes the recent Legislative Decree issued by the President of the Syrian Arab Republic which is the second amnesty decree in less than a year.

Iran supports the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland. Addressing the numerous challenges confronting Syrian refugees requires the creation of critical infrastructure. The United Nations, particularly the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), plays a pivotal role in this endeavor. We welcome and support the engagement and constructive dialogue between the Syrian government with UNHCR in addressing this issue.

I wish to underscore Iran's unwavering commitment to continuing assistance aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people. We believe that addressing the consequences of the Syrian crisis demands a holistic approach and a genuine political commitment. This commitment should entail putting an end to the recurrent and systematic Israeli aggressions, ending the occupation of Syrian territory, withdrawing the unlawful presence of foreign forces from Syrian territories, promptly and unconditionally lifting unilateral coercive measures, and actively supporting the political process being under Syrian leadership and ownership.

And finally, Mr. President, the US groundless allegations against my Country in this Chamber which were repeated irresponsibly by the representative of the UK are categorically rejected.  These baseless allegations appear to be part of a deliberate effort by the United States to divert attention away from its ongoing serious violations of international law and the United Nations Charter in the Syrian Arab Republic.

I would like to emphasize that the Islamic Republic of Iran has never been involved in any acts or attacks against US military forces in Syria or elsewhere. Iran has consistently upheld its commitments to promoting peace and security in the region.

The United States must stop its unlawful actions in Syria, end its illegal occupation, and comply with its international legal obligations, including the pertinent resolutions of the Security Council, which require all Member States to uphold and respect Syria's national sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. Such actions are pivotal for promoting regional and international peace and security.

I also firmly reject the unsubstantiated allegations made by the representative of the UK.

I thank you.

News ID 196554

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