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2 December 2023 - 13:47
Iran, Russia, China to hold joint naval exercise

Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani announced the holding of a joint naval exercise between Iran, Russia, and China.

"The countries of Pakistan, Brazil, Oman, India, South Africa, and some neighboring countries in the Caspian Sea have also been invited as observers," Rear Admiral Irani said.

He went on to say that the main phase of the country's largest maritime area will be operated in the Jask region in the ten-day-dawn and heavy units with high capacity will be deployed in this area by the end of the year.

"Considering the increase in the number of heavy vessels in the country, we plan to create a larger maritime area in the Konark area," Rear Admiral Irani said.

Referring to the reaction of the countries of the region to Deylaman destroyer, Rear Admiral Irani said the reaction of the countries of the Caspian Sea region to the presence of the destroyer Deylaman was positive.

He stated that the volume of commercial exchanges in the Caspian Sea and the view of the maritime economy as well as shipping in the Caspian Sea have changed, and stated that the construction of the Deylaman destroyer can also help Iran's commercial sector.

He stressed that if Iran can build a destroyer, building a commercial ship will definitely not be a problem.

News ID 196582

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