Iravani: Iran emphasizes its principled position in supporting peace and stability of Bosnia

Amir Saeed Iravani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations, said that the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes its principled position in supporting peace, stability and security in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkan region.

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, under the agenda of the 14th session entitled Culture of Peace on Thursday, he added that the Islamic Republic of Iran stands by its principled position in supporting peace, stability and security in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Balkan region.

He underlined that the peaceful coexistence of all the people of the country and that of the region can be maintained and strengthened regardless of their ethnicity and religion.

The full text of Iravani's speech at the UN General Assembly is as follows:

Mr. President.

At the outset, I would like to express my profound gratitude to the numerous delegations, permanent missions, international organizations and regional groups; who at various levels expressed their condolences and sympathy to the people and government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in mourning the loss of the President and Foreign Minister.

H.E. Mr. Raisi and H.E. Mr. Amir-Abdollahian and their deceased companions were highly respected and loved by the Iranian people.

This week, millions of Iranians across the country demonstrated their profound respect to these distinguished figures, including in the funeral ceremony.

Their tireless efforts in serving the Iranian people were exemplary of their firm dedication to their beloved nation.

Their contribution to development, human dignity, cooperation as well as to strengthening peace and security and friendly relations in the region and beyond, will be remembered.

They will remain an everlasting source of inspiration for our people and anyone who aspires just causes and noble purposes in the world. 

Mr. President.

As for the present resolution, I would like to mention that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been clear in rejecting atrocious crimes, in particular, the catastrophic events that took place in Srebrenica.

 Our vote in favor of the Resolution adopted today manifests our conviction to supporting and sympathizing with the victims of the Srebrenica genocide in 1995.

Honoring and remembering victims in Bosnia and Herzegovina should unite people and inspire global rejection of atrocious crimes.

It should also promote both justice and forgiveness for future generations.

Through our support, we also pay tribute to our fallen heroes, several Iranian nationals, who were martyred for the valuable objective of assisting the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the course of those unfortunate events.

Regrettably, at the time, the international community failed the world's conscience, leaving innocent people to fall victim to the most serious crimes.

The Srebrenica massacre was indeed a dark page in the history of humanity and the United Nations.

Mr. President, Excellencies, ladies, and gentlemen.

The Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates its principled position in supporting peace, stability, and security in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkan region in the spirit of dialogue and understanding; where the peaceful coexistence of all people of the country and that region regardless of their ethnicity and religion could be maintained and strengthened.

 We further reiterate the importance of respecting the territorial integrity of countries in the region.

We highlight the necessity for an inclusive and good-faith approach to preserving peace and enduring stability. This endeavor must encompass all individuals, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Mr. President, Distinguished colleagues.

Speaking of atrocious crimes, I would like to mention that we have not forgotten that millions of Iranian people, almost one-fourth of the Iranian population at the time, suffered genocide from 1917-1919 due to a certain foreign country's political agenda; which caused severe deprivation of food and vital resources; leading to a large-scale famine and starvation.

Let us also not forget that those who lost their lives in Srebrenica were, not only victims of egregious crimes instigated by individuals, but they were also victims of power politics and failures of certain Western countries including those who were in the form of peacekeepers at the time of occurrence of this tragedy.

The fact remains; that those countries who should bear responsibility together with NATO, for their failure that plunged Srebrenica into catastrophe back in 1995, are now among the sponsors of this resolution.

This sobering fact, coupled with the current developments at the international level, in particular the catastrophic situation in Gaza, should make all of us doubtful of the real intentions of certain Western countries, as the situation of Palestine has proven to reveal the stark manifestation of the chronic double standards and selectivity of few.

Mr. President,

The current catastrophic situation in Palestine and the binding orders rendered by the principal judicial organ of the United Nations on this matter, are the most relevant topics to the discussions with respect to the present resolution.

We regret that this very relevant and important matters have been ignored. Nevertheless, the adoption of this resolution should serve as a reminder of the responsibilities of the United Nations that it owes to each and every single Palestinian woman, man, and child.

We believe that the United Nations should not make the same mistake it made in 1995; the painful lessons of the past that have indeed costed heavy tolls to be learnt, should compel humanity to avoid, prevent and stop the recurrence of similar catastrophes. 

I thank you.

News ID 197680

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