The enemies of Iran are aware of our Armed Forces' might and capabilities and they are trying to attack the country by the help of soft war tactics, a senior Iranian commander said.

"The enemy, having failed in hard-war, is trying to get us involved in its soft war," Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces for Cultural Affairs and Defense Publicity Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said on Tuesday, calling on officials in charge to keep people abreast of various aspects of the enemy's new plot.

Urging greater vigilance among the public against enemies' soft war, he warned that the enemies' attempts to divide Iranians would swell in both size and magnitude as the countdown begins to the country's presidential vote.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has also on many occasions warned about the enemies' soft-war plots to undermine Iran's resolve towards progress.

In November 2009, he underlined the necessity for proper measures to repel enemy's soft war against Iran.

"Today, the main priority of the country is to confront (enemy's) soft warfare which is aimed at creating doubt, discord and pessimism among the masses of the people," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing a large and fervent congregation of Basij (volunteer) forces at the time.