Iran-China joint projects to be operational next months

Referring to the agreements reached in the joint commission of Iran and China in Beijing, Iran’s Minister of Economy said that these projects will be operational within the next months.

Speaking at his press conference on Tuesday, Ehsan Khandouzi pointed to the visit of the economic delegation of Iran to China.

The Iran-China joint cooperation commission was held during this trip, and good agreements were reached for the projects of the ministries, he said.

He also expressed hope to see good developments when the projects start working in the coming months.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Khandouzi referred to the Iranian president's recent visit to three African countries and expressed hope that the level of trade interactions with the African continent will increase next year. 

Africa is the land of new opportunities, and the Iranian government is trying to turn these opportunities into actual capacities, further noted.

News ID 195745


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