Iran does not have any covert nuclear activity: AEOI chief

The Islamic Republic of Iran does not have any hidden and unwritten nuclear activity or any unannounced nuclear site and program, chairman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami has said.

The AEOI chief made the remarks on the sidelines of Wednesday meeting of the cabinet, while replying journalists’ question on recent report published by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

“The Islamic Republic of Iran does not have any hidden and unwritten nuclear activity, and any undeclared site and activity,” Eslami said, adding “The fake documents are a political move in order to continue maximum pressure.”

The recent move by three European states and the United States in submitting a draft resolution against Iran is a political measure in line with maximum pressure, which has its roots in Zionist regime’s support, the Iranian official argued.

They have been putting forward such allegations against Iran for 20 years, he said, adding that the Islamic Republic accepted the 2015 nuclear deal also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in a bid to clear the charges and build confidence; of course, the agreement was not complied by the other side, while Iran accepted to cap on its nuclear program, but the recent IAEA report is a reverse move to the first place and a repetition of previous stories.

He said that Iran has spent months for negotiations and the text of a resolution has been finalized and talks on sanctions have been carried out, and now the Zionist regime threatens the Islamic Republic through terrorist and destructive operation as well as nonsense statements, urging other sides to stop diplomacy in dealing with the Iranian nuclear program or the Zionists will stop it themselves; does the law of jungle rule?!

The political move is in line with continuation of maximum pressure, while Iran showed maximum cooperation with the IAEA, he noted, adding that the Islamic country possesses only 2 to 3 percent of nuclear capacity in the world, but around 25 percent of monitoring of nuclear activities are being conducted by international inspectors in the country.

The AEOI chairman went on to say that the psychological warfare aims at putting pressure on the Iranian nation, while Tehran is working exactly in line with regulations of the IAEA, and all Iranian nuclear activities is under the UN nuclear watchdog’s supervision.

Tehran will not accept the allegations, and it will not retreat in the face of such a heavy psychological warfare, he said, warning that Iran is still showing good faith in complying with its commitments under the JCPOA, but if they refuse to abide by their commitments, Iranians will review on their actions.

The Islamic Republic conducts within the framework of the IAEA’s safeguards agreements nothing more, nothing less than the nuclear deal with the aim of showing good faith, Eslami noted.

As to the uranium enrichment and potential statement of the IAEA’s Board of Governors, he said that Iran continues production in industrial level and the Iranian officials will not decide emotionally.

Iran has program and the Strategic Action Plan to Lift Sanctions and Protect Iranian Nation's Interests determines the strategy to be adopted by the Iranian authorities, which is not a covert program, he concluded.

News ID 193892


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