US sentenced to pay over $4b to martyred nuclear scientists' families

Iran's Judiciary announced that Tehran Civil Court has sentenced America to pay over four billion dollars to families of nuclear nuclear scientists who had been martyred by the agents of arrogant powers.

The verdict was issued based on complaints made by families of martyred nuclear scientists against the US administration and other US officials of the time, who have been the accomplices of the Zionist regime of Israel in terrorist acts, or those who have been physically disabled, or suffered psychological damages, and the exact amount of US fine is 4 billion and 300 million dollars.

2.5 billion dollars of that fine is due to the physical and psychological damages to those bereaved families and about as much a punishment for the inflicted losses to concerned organizations.

The complaints have been made by the families of three martyred Iranian nuclear scientists and the wives of three martyrs who have themselves suffered physical damages in those terrorist acts.

The complaints have been filed against 37 American personalities and legal entities, including the US administration, former presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, the State Secretary Office, Brian Hook, Mike Pompeo, Ashton Carter, the US Defense Secretary Office, the US National Security Agency, and…

The legal basis of the verdicts is the Islamic Republic of Iran Judiciary Court’s legitimate right to survey the complaints made by Iranian citizens against foreign countries and citizens, and the related executive laws.

Official translation of the complaints and attached documents, as well as the verdicts issued against them have been forwarded to the concerned personalities and organizations in the United States, keeping in mind that they have neither attended the court hearings, nor sent legal defense papers.

News ID 193976


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