Iran to begin construction of research reactor in Isfahan

The chairman of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said that construction operation of Isfahan Research Reactor will start in the coming weeks.

It is planned on the research reactors and the reactor that can carry out fuel tests for other reactors. With the studies made in this regard, construction operation of research reactor in Isfahan Nuclear Facility will begin in the very near future, Eslami said.

The AEOI chief made the remarks in Isfahan UCF Facility on Wednesday and stated that the first and most important part is related to the baseless accusations that have been leveled against Iran over the past 20 years and during this time, enemies have been continuously accusing Iran of developing its nuclear program for non-peaceful purposes.

During these years, Islamic Republic of Iran has fully cooperated with IAEA inspectors in a way that all Iran's nuclear activities are running under the strict supervision of experts of UN Nuclear Watchdog and there are not any hidden activities on the side of the country in this regard, he stated.

Therefore, these false accusations against Iran that it is developing nuclear activities for non-peaceful purposes are futile, Eslami continued.

 He went on to say that IAEA ‘s inspectors are still monitoring all nuclear activities in the country and have thorough supervision on ‘safeguards’.

Elsewhere in his remarks, AEOI chief pointed out that Iran is developing its nuclear programs with the aim of increasing capacity of power plants for generating electricity as well as producing stable nuclear electricity equal to 1,000MW.

To do this, Iran will take advantage of high capabilities and potentials of domestic and foreign companies in generating 1,000 megawatt electricity in the country, he said, adding that, fortunately, there are competent companies in the country which can support the plan for generating 10,000 MW electricity, so that AEOI will welcome any company which is ready to take part in a comprehensive program of the organization in the related field.”

News ID 194135


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