1 Persons
31 July 2022 - 21:51
Iran says ready to conclude Vienna talks soon

Iran’s top negotiator to talks between Iran and the P4+1 (Russia, China, France and Britain plus Germany) Ali Bagheri Kani said on Sunday that Tehran is ready to conclude talks soon if the other side is also ready to do the same.

"We shared our proposed ideas, both on substance & form, to pave the way for a swift conclusion of Vienna negotiations which were aimed at fixing the damaging complicated situation caused by the U.S. unilateral & unlawful withdrawal," Bagheri Kani wrote on his official Twitter account.

He said that Iran works closely with other JCPOA partners, in particular the Coordinator, to give another chance to the US to demonstrate good faith and act responsibly.

“As Iran, we stand ready to conclude the negotiations in a short order, should the other side be ready to do the same," Bagheri Kani added.

News ID 194148


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