Gas injection to new centrifuges was a response to US sanctions: Iran nuclear chief

Vice President and Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami said on Wednesday that gas injection into new centrifuges (including IR1 and IR6 advanced machines) was a response to U.S. sanctions.

Eslami made the remarks on the sideline of cabinet session on Wednesday, adding that Iran is witnessing double and multiple standard policy of the U.S. and the false accusation that they have been attributing to Iran for 20 years.

He added that the Islamic Republic of Iran acts according to international rules of the IAEA, but the Zionist regime and Iran's enemies have made claims about fake places and documents about Iran's atomic activities in a bid to put pressure on the Iranians.

Iran's vice president in his remarks said that if they really had good intentions in the negotiations, the JCPOA would be a way out of this situation, that is, negotiations could be held to resolve these accusations and build trust.

Eslami said that Tehran always has acted according to the international rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and is committed to the NPT and the IAEA safeguards.

Spokesman of the AEOI Behrouz Kamalvandi said on Monday that the AEOI staff have been ordered to launch and inject gas to hundreds of centrifuges, including IR1 and IR6 advanced machines.

Kamalvandi added that the order was issued on Monday afternoon and the IAEA has already been informed of the measure. 

He said that the order is in line with the implementation of the Law on Strategic Action on Removing Sanctions and Safeguarding the Interests of the Iranian nation.  

News ID 194163


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