Iran Bagheri, EU’s Mora hold meeting in Vienna in fresh talks

In fresh talks on the removal of anti-Iranian sanctions in Austrian capital of Vienna, Iran’s chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani met and held talks with EU Deputy Foreign Policy Chief Enrique Mora.

Talks on the removal of anti-Iranian sanctions entered its fourth day, in which, the two sides discussed the latest developments on Iran’s nuclear talks, JCPOA.

The new round of negotiations started in Austrian capital of Vienna on Thursday August 04. For this purpose, Ali Bagheri Kani arrived in Vienna on Thursday morning at the head of a delegation to participate in the new round of nuclear talks on the removal of anti-Iranian sanctions and held talks with the delegations of Russia, China and the European Union in Vienna in the last two days.

Accordingly, chief negotiators of the three European countries including UK, Germany and France are not present in Vienna and their experts are following the talks.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan’ani on Wednesday August 3 announced the visit of Iranian delegation to Vienna to participation new round of talks.

Reemphasizing that Iran is seriously determined to reach a stable agreement that guarantees the rights and interests of Iranian people, Kan’ani expressed hope that the other JCPOA parties will pave suitable ways for effective advancement of talks by adopting necessary decisions and seriously focusing on resolving the remaining issues.

News ID 194175


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