Deputy head of Hamas political bureau martyred in Israeli regime's attack on Beirut

Deputy head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement was martyred in attack by the Zionist regime on southern Beirut on Tuesday night.

Al-Mayadeen announced that "Saleh al-Arouri", deputy of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, was martyred in the attack of the Zionist regime on the suburb of Beirut on Tuesday night.

Media sources reported the occurrence of a strong explosion and an Israeli drone attack on the southern suburbs of Beirut, and the Lebanese news agency also reported that as a result of this attack, four people were martyred and a number of others were injured.

The Islamic resistance movement Hamas also confirmed the news of al-Arouri's martyrdom in a statement.

Hamas has also announced the martyrdom of two of the commanders of the Martyr Ezzedin al-Qassam battalions of the military branch of this movement in this attack.

Earlier, news sources reported that three companions of Saleh al-Arouri were martyred in an explosion in the suburbs of Beirut.

Al-Mayadeen network reported that a large explosion occurred in Al-Mushrafiya area in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

The official news agency of Lebanon announced about the reason for the explosion that an Israeli drone targeted an office belonging to the Hamas movement in Beirut.

An official of the Hamas movement, in an interview with the Lebanese LBCI channel, denied the claim that "Osame Hamdan", the official of the Hamas movement in Lebanon, was assassinated in an explosion in the suburbs of Beirut.

News ID 196796

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