Iran Facilitating Turkey-Syria Rapprochement: Senior Diplomat

A senior Iranian diplomat said the Islamic Republic is actively working towards a potential rapprochement between Syria and Turkey, aiming for the restoration of diplomatic relations that were severed almost 12 years ago.

Ali Asghar Khaji made the remarks during a meeting with Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Yildiz in the Kazakh capital city of Astana, on the sidelines of the 21st international summit on Syria under the Astana format.

Tehran and Ankara maintain strong and friendly relations, playing a significant role in establishing security across the region, according to Khaji. He emphasized that the respect for the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria is a common interest shared by both Iran and Turkey.

Khaji also criticized US support for Israel's war crimes and genocide in the Gaza Strip, stating, "Americans are the main party responsible for the massacre of residents of Gaza and persistence of the current situation."

News ID 196957

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