We are ready to engage in further wars with Israel: Syria FM

The Syrian Foreign Minister said Sunday that his country is fully ready to engage in other wars with the Zionist regime, adding that, "It is Syria that decides when, where and how these wars will take place.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad, who hosted Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and his accompanying delegation in Damascus, held a joint press conference with Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

The Syrian Foreign Minister offered congratulations to the Iranian delegation over the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Al-Mekdad added that, "The Iranian delegation had detailed talks with Bashar al-Assad, which discussed various issues in the region, especially the heroic resistance of the Palestinian nation."

"We and Iran have the same opinions and views on supporting the people of Gaza," the Syrian top diplomat added.

He went on to stress that the occupying US and Turkish forces "will finally leave Syria, because the Syrian nation is united in this decision that these aggressor forces must leave Syria, and we in Syria and our army have the necessary facilities to make this happen.

Mekdad went on to refer to the the racist Zionist regime against Syria, highlighting that, "The resistance of the Syrian Arab Republic against these military aggressions is a continuous resistance that has continued since the beginning of the idea that this regime would be established in Palestine and in the Arab region."

"As Bashar Assad said, Syria has been resisting the Zionist regime since 1948," the top diplomat said.

"The end of the occupation of the Zionist regime in the occupied Arab Golan territory is at the top of our priorities and is at the top of the list of our sacred missions. The Syrian nation is also trying to end this occupation," he continued.

"American, Israeli and Turkish occupations are all illegitimate and Syria must resist all of them," Mekdad further underscored.

"Syria is ready to pay the price for all these liberation operations. America's crimes against Syrian citizens will end, as well as America's illegitimate support to Israel in the occupation of the Syrian territory," the Syrian foreign minister concluded.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, for his part, said at the joint press conference that "In the meeting with Bashar al-Assad, Tehran and Damascus viewpoints were discussed and exchanged about the latest developments in the region.​"

"Today I was carrying the official and written invitation of the president of our country to Mr. Bashar Assad for an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran," he also said.

Amir-Abdollahian went on to say "I offer my condolences to the Syrian government and nation for the recent aggression done by the US on Syrian territory and the martyrdom of many Syrian brothers."

"Tehran strongly condemns the illegal presence of foreign troops in Syria," the Iranian foreign minister also said, adding that "The security of regional countries is a common concern of Tehran and Damascus."

Later, he pointed to the Zionist regime's war on Gaza and said that "Netanyahu sees his survival in the continuation of the war."

"I am announcing loud and clear from Damascus that the key to the return of lasting security to the region is to stop genocide and crimes by the Zionist regime and America. From the beginning of the crisis, Iran announced that war has never been a solution," Amir-Abdollahian added.

"The US cannot talk about the need to stop the war on the one hand, but at the same time not stop sending weapons to Tel Aviv," he added.

News ID 197066

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