Yemen claims ‘direct hit’ on British ship in Gulf of Aden

Yemen says its armed forces fired missiles at a British ship passing though the Gulf of Aden on Thursday and scored a “direct hit” in their latest operation in solidarity with the Palestinians.

The forces carried out "a military operation targeting a British ship... while it was sailing through the Gulf of Aden", military spokesman Yahya Saree said on social media, according to Press TV English website. 

Two Western maritime security agencies earlier reported an explosion near a vessel off the coast of Yemen.

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations said the ship reported "an explosion in close proximity to the vessel" east of Yemen's Aden, adding the vessel was sailing to its next port of call.

Security firm Ambrey said a "bulk carrier was targeted by an explosive projectile whilst transiting" east of Aden.

The projectile, Ambrey said, exploded off the vessel and caused "minor damage due to shrapnel impacting a diesel generator pipe which led to a diesel leak".

Yemen’s armed forces have been targeting Israeli ships and those bound for Israeli ports since November in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza which has been subject to five months of ferocious airstrikes and a ground invasion.

The Yemeni operations have prompted some shipping companies to detour around southern Africa to avoid the Red Sea, which normally carries about 12 percent of global maritime trade.

The Yemeni army says only Israeli, US and British ships are targeted, stating that other countries can rest assured of the safety of their cargoes.

News ID 197097

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