Bahrain's releasing political prisoners a positive step: Iran FM spox

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman calls it a positive step on the part of Bahrain to release some of the political prisoners in the kingdom and urges Manama to release others held on similar charges.

In response to a question raised by IRNA’s foreign policy reporter, Nasser Kanaani said the action of the Bahraini government in releasing some of the political detainees on the eve of Eid al-Fitr was a positive move in the right direction.

He expressed hope that the Manama government will complete this action by releasing the rest of political prisoners and taking appropriate next steps.

On Tuesday, the Bahrain king took an unprecedented decision and unconditionally released more than 1,500 prisoners.

The amnesty followed years of campaigning inside the country and by international human rights groups but came as a complete surprise to activists.

Bahrain detained hundreds of people, including opposition leaders after a popular gripped the Arab country in 2011 amid demand that the Al Khalifa regime relinquish power and allow a government representing all Bahrainis.

News ID 197417

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