Iran most beautiful country in world: Russian diplomat

Consul General of the Russian Federation in Isfahan Andrei Zhiltsov has described Iran as the most beautiful country in the world.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is an independent country in terms of technology, and it has many capacities and can defend its national interests without submitting to anyone, Zhiltsov told IRNA.

Regardless of the illegal sanctions imposed on the two countries by the West, the expansion of Russia-Iran relations is beneficial for both sides and the capacity for bilateral interaction is very high, he said.

He added that developing trade-economic relations paves the ground for strengthening the economy of Russia and Iran and creating more jobs.

Russia and Iran need to support each other in the international arena and the turbulent conditions of today’s world, the Russian diplomat maintained.

He also highlighted the need to boost cooperation between the two countries in fighting terrorism.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Zhiltsov thanked the Iranian government for its condolences over the recent terrorist attack in Russia and for Tehran’s readiness to expand cooperation with Moscow in fighting terrorism.

News ID 197609

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