Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Mohammad Eslami said that the government has put the production of 20,000 megawatts of nuclear power on the agenda.
“We have tried to materialize this program in these companies, their design and research have been done, and its implementation projects have started in other sectors,” he said.
According to Eslami, a maximum of 300 people were employed three years ago and today more than 5,000 people are working on these projects.
“We have expanded the capability of our national industry to build a nuclear power plant,” he said.
The AEOI chief also said that irradiation systems were built with the participation of the private sector.
In the first three months of this year, “we built three new irradiation sites, which is considered a very important step in ensuring food security,” he added.
“Today, we have 20 radiopharmaceutical products that are going through their clinical phase, and some other items are also going through the research stages,” he stated.
“We are ready to expand the wound clinics and are consulting with different medical departments.”
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