Iran now producing derivatives of heavy water: AEOI chief

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the Islamic Republic has managed to produce derivatives of heavy water, marking its latest achievement in the nuclear industry.

Mohammad Eslami said it was a cutting-edge achievement and that Iran was now among those very few countries that have made the breakthrough.

The official said Iran was ready to also export the derivatives to other countries.

Eslami said Iran is seeking to reach a “combination of laser and biotechnology” for making “deuterated drugs.”

Noting that lab experiments are currently underway, the official said there are promising prospects for the mass production of the technology.

Heavy water derivatives can be used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer instead of the current high-risk methods and chemotherapy.

Iran has made remarkable progress in the nuclear industry despite the Western threats and sanctions regime. Its nuclear industry serves peaceful purposes and Iran has always reiterated that line.

News ID 195861


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