khabaronline-An Iranian lawmaker has announced that Iran's parliament (Majlis) is set to codify a double-urgency plan to close the Strait of Hormuz in response to western imposed sanctions on the country's oil sector.

While Iran's Oil Minister rallies his ministry staff to confront the European Union embargo on the country's oil sector, the MPs were also seeking a plan to close the Strait of Hormuz, Khabar online reported.
The news has already raised the OPEC daily basket price to USD 92 a barrel.
Ebrahim Aqa Mohammadi, a member of the Majlis Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy, said on Monday that the committee has drafted a plan to block the passage of oil tankers through the Strait of Hormuz to the countries that imposed sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
The double-urgency plan was signed by some 100 Iranian lawmakers by Sunday July 1.
The Strait of Hormuz is one of the world's most strategic shipping channels. The issue concerning the block of the channel was earlier raised by the Security Council in response to the war policies of the western countries against Iran.
"This plan has been put forward as an answer to the European Union's oil sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran," Aqa Mohammadi also said. The plan will stress the sovereign right of Iran in coastal and domestic waters that can block the passage of the tankers caring oil to the countries imposed sanctions on Iran's oil industry.
Aqa Mohammadi also said that the plan is expected to be discussed in the Majlis in the coming days.


News ID 182060