The film, named “Rescue Path” and directed by Rama Ghavidel, recounts the story of a Palestinian teacher at an orphanage center in Gaza, who loses her memory after an accident.
The movie also depicts the cruelty of the Israeli regime against the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, which has been under an Israeli blockade for the past five years.
Produced by Sahar Universal Network, the movie was filmed in Lebanon. Several prominent Lebanese and Syrian actors, including Nadine Salameh, Amaneh Vali, Vasim Vahbi and Paul Suleiman have played roles in it.
The movie won the special prize of Mohammad Al-Dore in the 25th edition of the International Film Festival held in the Iranian province of Isfahan.
The Arab Film Festival Rotterdam is expected to run from November 28 to December 2, 2012.
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