According to the report from IME international affairs and PR, total traded volume during this period had 8 percent growth.
Based on this report, 42Kt of bitumen from Jay oil, Pasargad Oil, Bitumen and 8Kt of lube-cut from Bandarabbas Oil Company will be offered in this trading floor.
44 percent growth in IME agricultural trading floor
Based on this report, 143,938 MT of agricultural products were traded in IME with the total value of more than 1,000 billion IRR (37 million and 609 thousands USD)which shows 94 percent growth in volume and 87 percent growth in value.
Moreover, more than 4 million and 700 thousand MT of metals and minerals products and 3 million and 200 thousand MT of oil and petrochemical products with the total value of 60,000 billion IRR (2 billion and 256 million USD)for metals and minerals trading floor and 32,000 billion IRR (1 billion and 203 million USD)for oil and petrochemical trading floor.
Based on this report, in the metals and minerals trading floor of IME has experienced a 61 percent growth and the oil and petrochemical products had a 25 percent upward jump during last 5 months.
Futures Contracts Trade Value Hits 106,000 billion IRR
During this period, more than 1 million Gold Coin Futures Contracts were traded which shows a 224 percent growth in volume and 415 percent growth in trade value.
During last 5 month, more than 8 million tons of commodities were traded with the total value of 199,000 billion IRR (7 billion and 484 million USD) which shows a 136 percent increase comparing to the same period of last year.
News ID 187095