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9 January 2022 - 12:30

Strategies of Sardar Soleimani

By: Mohsen Pakaein
Strategies of Sardar Soleimani

In the school of Martyr Sardar Haj Qasem Soleimani, several strategies can be seen to defend the Muslims of the world and fight global arrogance.

1- The strategy of Islamic unity, which was pursued with the aim of uniting Islamic countries and Muslims of the world, emphasized on strengthening commonalities and reducing differences. In carrying out this important strategy, he was not only a theorist, but he, like a warrior, was present on the scene alongside Sunnis and Shiites. Sardar Soleimani fought the Zionist regime for 51 days in the Gaza war alongside Palestinian fighters, the vast majority of whom were Sunnis, and played a role in defeating the Israel regime. The resistance  Front won the battle, and Israel acknowledged its defeat by accepting a ceasefire after initial boasting. In the 33-day war, Sardar Soleimani was with Hezbollah and the Shiites, and together with them, he forced the Zionist regime to leave Lebanon and accept defeat. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the fighters of Afghanistan and Ansarullah of Yemen recognized Sardar Soleimani and praised his role in countering the victories of the resistance. In documents obtained from the Americans, they repeatedly acknowledged that Sardar Soleimani was trusted by all countries and axis groups of the resistance, and said that when there was a dispute between some parties and groups in Iraq, everyone was waiting for Sardar Soleimani to come for mediate to reduce disputes.

2- The next strategy of Martyr Soleimani; It was the defense of the national sovereignty of regional countries. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, national sovereignty was restored, and with the end of the Cold War, even the smallest nations became prejudiced against their national sovereignty, while the United States sought to impose its hegemony by disregarding the national sovereignty of independent nations. The US strategy in West Asia was also to undermine the national sovereignty of countries by inciting different ethnicities and religions. Recognizing the angles of US plots, Soleimani pursued the defense of national sovereignty as a strategy in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. In Syria, for example, the Americans sought to overthrow the country's national sovereignty and seek to change the legitimate government of Syria based on popular vote. Sardar Soleimani stood against this conspiracy and defended the establishment of a legitimate government in Syria by defending the national sovereignty.

3- Another strategy of Sardar Soleimani; It was to support the territorial integrity of countries and to oppose the change of geographical borders in West Asia. To reengineer the region, the Americans sought to undermine the territorial integrity of nations and pave the way for their disintegration by changing geographical boundaries. They planned to divide Iraq into three parts, Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish, into three countries. In Syria, they pursued the same goal and wanted to turn the country into Kurdish and Arab parts. American policymakers in Afghanistan also sought to establish Pashtunistan, recognize ethnic wars, and disintegrate the country. In Yemen, the revival of southern Yemen and northern Yemen was part of the White House agenda. At this point, Sardar Soleimani's strategy was to defend the territorial integrity of Islamic countries and thwart the White House conspiracy.

News ID 193481


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