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22 May 2022 - 18:58
Shrine Defender Assassinated in Tehran

Tasnim News Agency, close to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, reported the assassination and martyrdom of one of holy shrine defenders _ known in Persian as Modāfe'ān-e-Haramin - in an armed attack by two motorcyclists in Tehran.

In an interview with Tasnim news agency, an informed source reported the assassination of Sayyad Khodaei one of the holy shrine defenders  on Mojahedin-e-Islam street in Tehran. 

The source said: "This incident took place around 4 pm today in one of the side alleys of Mojahedin-e-Islam Street. The assailants are being pursued by security forces."

Meanwhile Mehr News Agency reported that two people on a motorbike shot and martyred an IRGC Quds Force member who was a military advisor in Syria in the Iranian capital on Sunday.

An IRGC Quds Force member by the name of "Sayyad Khodaei", who was a holy shrine defender in Syria, was shot with five bullets and martyred in front of his house in downtown Tehran.

The assailants were two motorcyclists who are still at large while the security forces are looking for them.

The assassination was carried out at Mojahedin-e-Islam Street, Khazal Alleyway, a source told local Iranian media.

According to the latest report, Martyr Khodaei was in his car in front of his house when his wife was the first to see him lying down in the car martyred in bloody clothes.

News ID 193795


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