Iran at global level in production of radio medicines: AEOI chief

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Mohammad Eslami said on Monday that Iran has developed its know-how in producing radio pharmaceuticals to globally accepted levels.  

He made the remarks during a visit to a domestic production line of radio medicines.

Despite the hardship caused by the enemies and heavy sanctions on Iran, the country has been able to push through the path of progress, Eslami said.

Some one million patients are receiving radio medicine treatment in Iran annually, the Iran nuclear chief said, noting that the county has been able to respond to all these needs.

He noted that the AEOI is proud to have taken major steps in producing radio medicines needed for cancer treatment.

The official said that Iran is now among the top world countries in this field.

Eslami added that Iran used to be exporting radio medicines to other countries, but the exports stopped after the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease. He, however, noted that the country plans to resume such exports as there is high demand for Iranian radio medicines.

News ID 194801


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