Egypt’s first democratically-elected president Mohamed Morsi is reportedly going to attend the forthcoming Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

According to a report published by Beirut-based Arabic language As-Safir newspaper on Tuesday, Morsi will travel to Tehran next month to attend the 16th summit of the NAM member states, which is scheduled to be held between August 26 and 31, and offer the rotating presidency of the NAM movement for three years to Iran.

NAM, an international organization with 120 member states and 17 observer countries, is considered as not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.

The organization was founded in the former Yugoslavia in 1961. The countries of the Non-Aligned Movement represent nearly two-thirds of the UN members and contain 55% of the world population.

NAM's purpose, as stated in the Havana Declaration of 1979, is to ensure "the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries.”
