The judgement in my Extradition Appeal which handed down on Tuesday 27th November after six years house arrest shows I should be discharged and Magistrate Court should dismissed my extradition order while ago when I made an application in March 2012.
“Sting oppression” by the US officials of the Department of Homeland Security which took place illegally in London in mid 2006 and no evidence was provided by the US authorities, and no disclosure of information relevant to the illegality of the conduct of their agents (Secret filming and voice recording illegally). It is not clear that whether UK authorities knew or involved in this operation or not?
Consequently house arrest, health deterioration, sever confinement and social isolation is a real meaning of my humiliation by UK and US Governments. More than two years USG didn’t answer correspondence of UKG while US wanted to release three US detainees from prison in Iran. On the other hand FCO had some concerns about British Diplomat in Iran which is kind of hostage taking of a former diplomat by these governments and politically motivated extradition proceeding and not justice.
This is decision of a brave judge who believes that Home Secretary couldn’t show reasonable cause for her nearly forty months delay to make her decision about my medical evidence and health deterioration, but still my concerns is the impacts and consequences of this long time delay. These imposed conditions were against human rights commitments of US and UK government and I invite all Human Rights organisations and ECHR to consider this matter urgently.
Although the Secretary of State wanted to take 14 days to decide whether to seek leave to appeal and High Court allowed her, since she is legally entitled to this, but the out comes of the court is very important to me and my legal team which shows that extradition should not be in hand of politician, but governments need to cooperate for a better and secure world without putting individual on risk of health deterioration and human rights breach.
Publish Date: 28 November 2012 - 01:04
Nosratollah Tajik