EU imposes new sanctions on Iranian individuals, entities

The European Union announced sanctions on five Iranian individuals and two entities on Monday.

In continuation of the European hostile moves against the Iranian nation and under the pretext of human rights, the bloc imposed new sanctions on some Iranian individuals and entities on Monday.

The new sanctions target 5 people and two entities, the European Council said on its Twitter account, according to Reuters.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock had flagged these new sanctions earlier in the day.

The European Union, which claims to support human rights in Iran, has said in justification of this anti-Iranian action that all the parties included in the list of sanctions of the European Union have collaborated with the Iranian police in the crackdown on the recent protests (riots) in Iran.

This was the bloc's eighth package of sanctions on Iranian officials and entities over their alleged role in the crackdown on the rioters.

The individuals targeted by restrictive measures include the commander of the Tehran Police Relief Unit of Iran’s Law Enforcement Forces, the spokesman of the Iranian police and the secretary of Iran’s Supreme Council of Cyberspace, the EU statement said on Monday, May 22.

The two entities that were blacklisted by the bloc were the IRGC Cooperative Foundation and the Student Basij Organization (SBO).

Since sporadic foreign-backed riots took place in Iran last summer, Western countries led by the United States started to tighten sanctions against Iran's judicial and other authorities in a bid to continue the riots they had provoked and supported after the sudden death of a young Iranian lady, Mahsa Amini, while in Iran's police custody. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran sees the Western countries' accusations as part of intensified pressures aimed at pressuring it to give in to the West's excessive demands in the nuclear talks.

News ID 195371


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