"The situation of human rights is so bad that the UN Rapporteur (Ahmed Shaheed) names infamous terrorists like (Abdulmalek) Rigi (former ringleader of the terrorist Jundollah group), the Monafeqin (Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization - MKO, also known as the MEK, NCRI and PMOI) and PJAK (Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan) whose hands are all stained with the blood of the Iranian nation, as advocates of human rights," Larijani said in a meeting with Ambassador and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Konstantin Dalgov in Tehran on Wednesday.
Larijani said such stances by Shaheed merely impair the UN's face and creditability and indicate the deviation of human rights issues from their true content and goal.
In relevant remarks in July, Larijani also blasted Shaheed for his biased report on Iran, and said he has merely parroted the allegations made by the terrorist groups against Tehran.
Shaheed's reports about the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic are based on "anti-Iran websites and are thus invalid", Larijani said.
Larijani said Shaheed's March report is professionally "flawed," adding that the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran gives references to mere allegations.
Shaheed cites people who speak on the condition of anonymity, the Iranian official said, adding, "Only allegations which carry signs of probity and validity could be investigated."
"Ahmad Shaheed merely pieces together allegations against Iran, while anyone can easily compile similar reports by searching the anti-Iran websites. His work is unjustified and totally invalid from a professional standpoint."
Iranian officials have said before that Ahmed Shaheed has only parroted the unfounded allegations raised by anti-revolution elements against Iran since he had been tasked with accusing Iran.
"Since the very first day that Ahmad Shaheed was introduced as the United Nations rapporteur (on Iran) we guessed that he was a an American agent, but his later reports assured us that he has been assigned to this mission by the US," Chairman of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi told FNA in October.
"Ahmed Shaheed contacts anti-revolution elements instead of Iranian authorities to receive information and to prepare his reports, and acts in harmony with the Americans when compiling reports (on Iran)," he added.
Ahmed Shaheed has merely interviewed with foreign-based opposition groups from Iran, Member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mohammad Hassan Asafari said late in October.
"Did Ahmed Shaheed visit Iran's prisons," he questioned.
He said that the report is full of ambiguities and such reports which are based on assumption of the western governments merely meet the desire of Zionist regime and the US.
Ahmed Shaheed has no experience or record of activities in providing reports and in the past he has acted as Myanmar foreign minister, he said.