Iran calls for enhancing efficiency of UNSC Syria meetings

Iran’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeid Iravani has underlined that the monthly meetings of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on affairs related to Syria should have operational efficiency.

Iravani made the remarks before the United Nations Security Council meeting on “The situation in the Middle East: (Syria – Chemical)” in New York on September 7, 2023.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

We welcome the presence of Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, the UN high representative for disarmament affairs at today's briefing.

Since the last meeting, there have been no significant developments or progress in the matter of Syria's chemical file, except Syria's submission of its monthly report to the OPCW and its continued compliance with its obligations. The report delivered by OPCW also did not provide any fresh insights into the current situation.

In the meantime, the recurring repetition of statements in today’s meetings highlights once more the inefficiency of holding regular and monthly sessions on this matter, given the evident absence of substantial progress or noteworthy developments.

In the recent open debate on the Security Council's working methods (September 5th, 2023), speakers underscored the critical need to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Security Council. In this context, many speakers voiced their support for improved working methods and advocated for a reduction in the frequency of specific meetings, particularly those related to Syria. This collective push for enhancement is vital for upholding the Council's credibility and operational efficiency.

In alignment with this joint call for improvement, we reiterate our call to the Security Council to increase the effectiveness of its sessions focused on Syria. As emphasized repeatedly by some members, the practice of dedicating one monthly meeting solely to the repetition of positions and unsupported allegations against Syria does not contribute to the Security Council's overall efficiency.

We agree with the idea offered by some Council members to adjust the frequency of discussions on this subject from a monthly to a quarterly basis. Such a modification can enhance the Council's efficiency, enabling it to direct its attention more effectively towards matters of immediate concern.

We fully support constructive dialogue between Syria and the OPCW, setting a specific timeframe to address any remaining issues and bring the file to a final and conclusive closure. Such an approach will ensure transparency, accountability, and a satisfactory resolution of all outstanding issues. We commend Syria's commitment to convene a high-level meeting between the Syrian Foreign Minister and the Director General of OPCW.

We believe that to ensure a successful outcome, any investigation into chemical weapons incidents must be conducted with utmost impartiality, professionalism, credibility, and objectivity, strictly adhering to the Convention's requirements and procedures.

We reiterate our stance that the integrity and credibility of the OPCW hinge on its ability to maintain neutrality and objectivity, guided solely by scientific and technical considerations. As such, complying with the obligations outlined in the Convention is significant for fostering a safer world, free from the looming threat of chemical weapons. In this regard, We stress the importance of full, effective, and non-discriminatory implementation of the Convention by all member states.

In conclusion, Madam. President, Iran once again condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the use of chemical weapons at anytime, anywhere, by anyone, and under any circumstances. The use of such weapons is a flagrant violation of international law, constituting a crime against humanity and posing a serious threat to global peace and security.

News ID 196020


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